What We Do


Kimchi, a Korean staple, fuses fresh ingredients and bold spices into a cultural delicacy. A harmony of tradition and taste, it's a cherished culinary experience that unites palates worldwide.


Korean radish dishes burst with crispness and authentic flavors, embodying a rich culinary heritage in every bite.

About PK Kimchi Factory

At PK Kimchi Factory, we blend time-honored tradition with modern culinary artistry. Founded by passionate food enthusiasts, we craft premium kimchi that encapsulates Korean flavors and culture. Our artisans thoughtfully create each batch using the finest ingredients, ensuring a harmonious balance of authenticity and innovation.

Our Philosophy: Tradition and innovation. We honor the roots of kimchi while embracing creative exploration, resulting in a diverse range of flavors

Uncompromising Quality: Our commitment to excellence means only the finest kimchi makes it to your table.

Community and Connection: Food brings people together. Join us in celebrating tradition, flavor, and shared experiences.

Welcome to PK Kimchi Factory, where every jar tells a story of heritage and taste.

Our mission is to provide the ultimate kimchi experience

Tradition and Innovation

At PK Kimchi Factory, our mission is to blend tradition with innovation as we craft and curate premium kimchi products. We're dedicated to delivering the authentic flavors of Korean cuisine while fostering a sense of connection and culinary exploration

Quality and Culture

Through our commitment to quality and cultural appreciation, we strive to make the unique and delightful experience of kimchi accessible to all

What Our Client Say